How Customer Support Fuels Our Community Initiatives

· TWG Foundation

Supporting the communities we serve isn't just a priority—it's a core part of who we are. It's been two years since The Williams Group of Companies, which includes Chamber Supply Co., Western Business Solutions, and our own non-profit, the TWG Foundation, donated a service van to Sylvan Lake and District Community Partners (SLCPA). a local non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of the community they serve.

A Legacy of Championing Community Initiatives

Co-owner Michael Williams has volunteered with SLCPA for the past six years which including a term as board chair, and currently sits as a Director and Past Chair. He has championed several initiatives through his volunteerism that have had a lasting impact on the community of Sylvan Lake such as:

  • Tools for School Program: Michael helped revive the program, supplying essential school supplies to children in need.
  • Thrift Store Relocation: Michael negotiated a new lease and coordinated the relocation of the by-donation thrift store, boosting its visibility and accessibility.
  • Dental Care Program: Michael championed a dental program providing care to underserved populations in Sylvan Lake, improving community oral health.

Enhancing Local Outreach

The service vehicle donation has proven to be significant step in helping Sylvan Lake and District Community Partners expand their reach and improve their services. The van is used for various community initiatives, from transporting food and donations to facilitating events, ultimately enabling the organization to better serve those in need.

The donation of the van has made the jobs of our staff and volunteers so much easier, and has allowed us to implement programs for the vulnerable peope in our community that would not be possible otherwise.

-Tracey Soroka, Program Director

Giving Back

Our ability to give back is fueled by the unwavering support of our customers. Every purchase with Chamber Supply Co. directly contributes to our community initiatives, enabling us to reinvest in and uplift the communities that sustain us. We are dedicated to making a positive impact wherever possible, thanks to your continued partnership.

"As we continue to grow and expand our offerings at Chamber Supply Co., our dedication to community partnership and empowerment remains unwavering. We look forward to finding new ways to give back and collaborate with organizations like Sylvan Lake Community Partners."

- Michael Williams, Chamber Supply Co.

Thank you to our loyal cusomters for your support. Together, we are making a difference.


Discover how the Sylvan Lake and District Community Partners Association is making an impact in the community of Sylvan Lake for families in crisis by visiting their website.