White Paper: Uniting a Community

How a 'Shop Local' Campaign helped Sylvan Lake businesses unite during a crisis.

White Paper Blog: Supporting Local Businesses During a Crisis – A Case Study on the Sylvan Lake Chamber of Commerce "Shop Local" Campaign

During the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, communities across the globe faced significant disruptions. Local businesses, in particular, bore the brunt of the economic impact, with many struggling to stay afloat. Recognizing the need for immediate and effective support, the Sylvan Lake Chamber of Commerce, with the help of a federal grant, launched a "Shop Local" campaign aimed at encouraging the community to support local businesses during this critical time. Williams Communications was brought on board to produce a compelling video that would drive this message home.

This white paper blog explores the strategic approach we took, the challenges we faced, and the successful outcomes of the campaign.

Client Background

Sylvan Lake Chamber of Commerce serves as a vital advocate for local businesses, providing resources and support to foster a thriving business community. During the pandemic, the Chamber recognized that local businesses needed more than just moral support—they needed active community engagement to survive the economic downturn.

Challenge: The primary challenge was to create an impactful message that would resonate with residents and inspire them to prioritize local businesses in their purchasing decisions. The campaign needed to balance a sense of urgency with a positive, hopeful message that highlighted the resilience and value of the local business community.

Approach and Solution

Strategy Development: Our approach centered on creating a video that was both visually engaging and emotionally compelling. The goal was to not only inform viewers about the importance of shopping locally but also to evoke a sense of community pride and responsibility. The "Shop Local" campaign was crafted with a focus on solidarity, encouraging residents to stand together in support of the businesses that form the backbone of their town.


  1. Video Production: We developed a script that emphasized the vital role local businesses play in the community—both economically and socially. The video highlighted the stories of business owners and employees who were directly impacted by the pandemic, showcasing their perseverance and dedication. We also shot and edited the video.
  2. Messaging: The narrative was designed to be both uplifting and motivating, reminding viewers that their choices could make a real difference in helping their neighbors during a time of crisis. Key messaging revolved around the themes of community strength and history, shared responsibility, and the tangible benefits of shopping local in a community.
  3. Distribution and Engagement: The video was distributed across various digital platforms, including social media channels and the Chamber’s website and newsletter contact list. This broad distribution ensured maximum visibility, reaching a wide audience and encouraging community members to take action.

Results and Outcomes

Measurable Success:

  • Increased Awareness: The video garnered significant attention, with a high engagement rate on social media. It was shared extensively within the community, amplifying the "Shop Local" message and reinforcing the importance of supporting local businesses.
  • Community Response: Feedback from the community was overwhelmingly positive, with many residents expressing renewed commitment to shopping locally. The video succeeded in fostering a sense of unity and collective effort, which was crucial during the pandemic.
  • Economic Impact: While difficult to quantify fully, anecdotal evidence from business owners suggested a noticeable uptick in local patronage following the campaign’s launch. This increase in customer support helped many businesses sustain operations during an incredibly challenging period.

Key Takeaways

Lessons Learned:

  • Emotional Engagement: In times of crisis, connecting with your audience on an emotional level is crucial. The "Shop Local" campaign was effective because it tapped into the community’s collective desire to help and support one another.
  • Visual Storytelling: Video proved to be an ideal medium for conveying the campaign’s message. The combination of powerful visuals and a strong narrative made the content both memorable and actionable.
  • Community Involvement: Involving the community—both as the target audience and as participants in the video—helped to create a sense of ownership and responsibility, driving home the campaign’s call to action.

Best Practices:

  • Use Relatable Narratives: Feature real stories create a stronger emotional connection with your audience.
  • Leverage Digital Platforms: Ensure your content is easily shareable and accessible across various digital platforms to maximize reach.
  • Highlight Collective Impact: Emphasize how individual actions contribute to a larger, positive outcome for the community.

The "Shop Local" campaign for the Sylvan Lake Chamber of Commerce is a powerful example of how strategic communication can rally a community around its local businesses during a time of crisis. By producing a video that combined emotional storytelling with a clear, actionable message, Williams Communications helped to amplify the Chamber’s efforts and make a tangible difference in the community.

At Williams Communications, we are dedicated to helping organizations craft messages that resonate and drive real-world results. Whether you’re facing a crisis or simply looking to strengthen your brand’s connection with your audience, we’re here to help.


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